Otto Berning & Co - Dusseldorf - Germany is the origin of the firm better known under the name of Robot Foto & Electronic founded in 1933 and whose first patent "Robot" from an original prototype Heinz Kilfitt, shall be deposited in 1934. The main element of the Robot camera was this spring motor that eventually will take up to 6 shots per second. The action of this spring motor is the film advance, the arming of the rotary shutter with flash sync at all speeds and advancing the frame counter. A special back magazine can contain up to 150 m of film. Image formats based on the 35mm film will be 6 X 24, 16 X 24, 24 X 24 (original size) and 24 X 36 mm. Many cameras in Robot production find applications in the military, espionage, post, telecommunications, medicine (Rx), oceanography and road safety...